Belly fat is a big problem for skinny girls too! Whatever you wear saree and jeans, you will look sharp. Work and changing life style is the reason for this.
Should reduce.. these will help you to reduce belly fat.
Fenugreek : improves digestion and helps in weight loss. The galactromannan present in them causes a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time and prevents hunger pangs. Improves metabolism and reduces excess fat in stomach and other organs. It is good to include these in daily diet.
Cinnamon : For good health It can be taken with tea or water in morning. Its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties prevent many diseases. Antioxidants improve metabolism. Helps in reducing fat.

Nutmeg : This spice not only helps to add flavor to dishes but also it contains medicinal properties. Reduces accumulated fat in the body and provides good sleep. It is beneficial to drink its powder with food or water.
Anise : It contains fiber, vitamin, iron, potassium. Consuming aniseed tea or anise directly half an hour before meals reduces appetite. It makes the fat melt. Keeps away aging skin and heart diseases.