Taking tambulam after meals not only soothes the mouth but also prevents indigestion. Betel leaves have medicinal properties. That’s not all. Betel leaves also have properties that act as an antidote to various ailments.

Betel leaves contain antioxidants and anti aging properties. Betel leaves have the property of reducing the effect of dangerous fats. Betel leaves contain an oil called Chevikal which inhibits the growth of bacteria in the body. But betel leaves have a chance of becoming addictive. People who regularly eat 8 to 10 betel leaves per day for two years may become addicted to them.

Doctors advise women of childbearing age to eat betel leaves while removing the pods. These have properties that paralyze the reproductive system. People with high blood pressure should also eat the leaves in this way. Eating betel leaves along with tobacco increases the chances of oral cancer. So betel leaves should be known about their use and get their medicinal benefits.

Health benefits of betel leaf: The medicinal properties of betel leaves work as an antidote to various ailments. That is…

Obesity: Eating betel leaves and pepper together reduces excess weight. The weight loss properties come from a combination of the two. The result will be visible in 8 weeks.

Elephant’s leg: Grind seven betel leaves with salt water and take regularly every day to see a change.

Skin problems: Swarna kshiri, vidanga, ingigam, gandhak, chakramara, chengalva kastu, vermilion, ummetta leaves, neem bark, betel leaves and grind them together.After that apply this paste to skin it controls all skin problems.

Eye strain: Betel leaf juice, moringa leaves (drumstick leaves) juice, oleander juice, cotton wool and honey mixed on the eyes reduces eye strain.

Cold and Cough: Taking betel leaf juice, basil juice, ginger juice, pepper powder and honey for a few days will reduce cold and cough. To dissolve phlegm in the chest, betel leaves and castor oil should be mixed and kept on the chest.

Headache: Spreading betel leaves on the forehead reduces headache. Massage with betel leaf oil will also reduce it.

Constipation: If constipation occurs in children,An enema should be given with the juice of betel leaves soaked in castor oil. This should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Dyspepsia: Betel leaves have antibiotic properties. These dissolve phlegm. Reduces swelling. Controls incessant cough. It also increases digestion. Teeth and gums also support health.

Anger: Those suffering from uncontrollable rage and anger should take honey mixed with betel leaf juice.

Heart rhythm: One spoon of betel leaf juice should be taken regularly every day in case of irregular heart rhythm.

Heart weakness: betel juice, sugar taken together it strengthens the heart.

Harmonious voice: Take the bark of a betel vine and put it in the mouth and swallow the juice. This tip is useful for singers.

Pimples :Wash the face clean. Boil five betel leaves in a quart of water. Boil the water until the leaves turn brown. Then grind these leaves finely and apply on the face. After 15 minutes, wash the face with a towel soaked in hot water.

Unquenchable thirst: If thirst remains unquenched despite drinking water, chew betel leaf.
Injuries, blows: If you hold betel leaves on to the blows and injuries, they will heal quickly.
Applying betel leaves on the ears reduces inflammation and headache. Applying the juice of betel leaves in the nose relieves the headache caused by cold.

Charaka Samhita and Shushruta Samhita say that limited consumption of betel leaves is healthy among healthy habits. So to get the benefits of betel leaves, you should consume it in moderation rather than in excess.

Works Like This: The betel juice and calcium in lime makes body to be absorbed and betel nut increases salivation which increases digestion.
