These days kids are consuming more junk food. Physical activity is less. As a result obesity will occur. It can be the cause of low self-esteem and health problems. That’s why the Experts said that children must do exercise.
The body should work equal to the food taken. So let the children play for one hour every day. An hour in the morning or evening, swimming, volleyball, basketball, hide-and-seek, etc. is a good exercise.
Exercise is not just about lifting weights and running. Make sure that children do not sit for long periods of time. When the children say they will play for a while, some parents follow behind them and shouted as don’t fly and jump you will fall down.
Don’t do that.Let them play freely till they sweat.. Also let them ride a bicycle for half an hour every day after coming from school. Play a game. All these reduce stress. Give exercise to the body.

Now Gyms are came up Not only for adults but also for children . If you are interested, you can add them. Or do you do exercises at home? Indoor gym sets are available for them. It includes gymnastic ring and client ladder. You can do physical activity with them in a fun way. Lose weight easily.
However, along with theseā¦ make sure that the diet plan is also important. A balanced diet should be provided. Then Only children will be healthy and cheerful.