FEELS SLEEPY AFTER LUNCH? here are to get out of it

It is known that we feel sleepy after having lunch. Some people do not feel alert even if they sleep for a while. Why do you feel intoxicated after eating? The reason for this is that the glucose in the rice is absorbed into the blood quickly.

Moreover, hormones such as melatonin and serotonin are released with rice which creates peace. They induce a mildly relaxing, intoxicating feeling. Not only rice.. It feels the same with many types of carbohydrates. And how to overcome this?

Naturally, the mental energy is depleted in the afternoon. If you add rice to this, you will feel more sleepy. So a bit eating more protein food is good. It releases chemicals like dopamine and epinephrine which helps to synthesize the brain. the body gets more energy. Speed ​​will also increase in works.

If you cannot avoid eating rice, it is better to use long basmati rice instead of regular rice. Glucose in these does not enter the blood as quickly. Make sure to eat little.

Instead of rice, you can eat sorghum, sajja, wheat bread. Breads can be accompanied by paneer or soya nuggets. If you are a non-vegetarian, you will feel full if you eat chicken with vegetables and salad.
