Flat stomach in simple way, Proved one

Flat stomach!

To melt the fat that accumulates near the stomach we have to do yoga in additional with diet.
In Breakfast: It is a myth to skip breakfast in the morning will help in melting of fat near stomach . Breakfast gives you the energy you need to start the day.

With that we can do things quickly. As a result, it affects the fat in the stomach. Whenever we skip breakfast, the mind gravitates towards sweets to increase hunger and more importantly spike blood sugar levels. The result is it gives results exactly opposite what we expected

• Low in calories:
We have to prefer low calorie food as much as possible. For this, you should avoid fries which are prepared by using oil and eat steamed food. Choose foods that are rich in fiber and protein, and reduce fats and carbohydrates.

• Water is important:
8 to 10 glasses of water should be drunk a day to keep the body’s metabolism active and eliminate toxins from the stomach. fat will not melt away if the waste that accumulates in the body is never flushed out.

Flat stomach

• Need for sleep:

Zhe body gets comfort during sleep. It will be ready for the next day. Lack of sleep slows down the metabolism and the rate at which energy is expended. As a result, the fat stays there without melting. So at least 8 hours of sleep per day is mandatory.
