Food That would help us to keep warmth from inside


We wear woolen, thick clothes to protect us from the cold. We do things like cold cooking. It can be defeated only by providing warmth from inside. Some food stuffs That would help us to keep warmth from inside are!

Meat : should be preferred. It is rich in iron. It is essential for the smooth flow of oxygen throughout the body. If the hands and feet feel cold and tired, it means that iron is low. Take more like gongura mutton. These increase immunity along with vitamin B12.

Honey : During this season, we affected with colds, coughs and viral diseases. take honey often. It helps the patient to fight these by increasing immunity. It beautifies the skin and makes the digestion process smooth. Gives warmth to the body.

Banana : Vitamin B and magnesium are available in high doses. They improve the functioning of thyroid and adrenal glands. It regulates body heat. We feels lazy in this period! Banana stimulates the mind and improves memory.

Ginger tea : If you are drinking warm tea in cold weather the experience is different. That is until that moment! Add ginger to it. It not only speeds up the digestion process, but also warms the whole body.

Sweet potato : Food is not digested quickly in winter. That’s why we feels lazy. Include these in your daily diet. It Speeds up digestion. Thus the body gets the heat it needs. In addition, A and C vitamins, potassium and fiber are available.

Ghee : It is more important in Ayurveda. It digests the food quickly and also provides the good fats required by the body. spoon daily. Add to food in moderation. Warmth with flavor.
