Our busy lives are spent in offices for 10 hours a day. And the more favorable the relationship at work, the more positive it is, doesn’t it? And no one brings such an atmosphere. We have to achieve it ourselves. How do you mean..
- To create a favorable environment, there is no need to go to great lengths to impress everyone. A good greeting, a smile, giving advices to freshers and juniors.
It is enough if you follow the advice given by the elders, the work will go smoothly.

- Wish young and old alike on their special days. If possible have a cake cut and create a mini party atmosphere. Won’t forget until next year again right? Love and respect for us will increase.
- Appreciate co-workers when they complete work quickly and efficiently. Ask them how they did it if necessary. This will strengthen the friendship between the two. It is up to us whether we spend most of the day in a friendly environment, or left and right with hostility. Why can’t we try this?