Increasing Immunity is the only way To Fight with Corona Virus

Daily 3 Lakh covid cases where in to isolation wards in India . Thousands of people where died, due to covid and the count going up hugely in second wave . Hospitals not able to supply
oxygen for the covid people. And Hospitals were full of covid cases but we are into the second wave covid virus.

This year the government did not think about the lockdown but last year they declare lockdown throughout the world. People did not maintain social distance, Thats why the second wave is more powerful than the first .

corona 2nd wave in india

Night Curfew of finite convenience lockdown. Compulsory people need their livelihood and other works to go outside. This year lots of cases is there but we were masks and use sanitizers
daily and maintaining social distance. Roughly 80-85 percent peoples did not covid specification of their conspicuous. they did not guessing right people who having virus or not. Doctors said that D-Vitamin acts as immunity Modulator. Have Food that have full of vitamin D and B it will helps some


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