Suffering with belly fat ? Follow this simple tip to loose it

Excess fat around the tummy is seen in most of the people now a days. Fat around the tummy is mostly subcutaneous fats well as visceral fat which is in and around the organs in abdominal cavity.

It is found that excess visceral fat storage is a significant risk factor for metabolic health complications such as obesity, type -2 diabetes, fatty liver and heart disease.

By using simple ingredients which are available in everyone kitchen, belly fat can be easily reduced very quickly. Lets see how can we prepare the magical drink to reduce belly fat.

Ingredients used :

Cumin powder – 1 table spoon
Lemon – 1 whole lemon
Water – 1 cup

Procedure :

Boil 1 cup of water on the stove. Add 1 table spoon of cumin powder and make it to boil for 10 minutes. Strain the water and mix it with the juice of one whole lemon.

Usage :

Drink this juice daily for at least 3 weeks to see the results. Your belly fat will be reduced gradually by making you more healthy and happy.


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